Nairobi hacks and designs together

It’s hackathon time here in Nairobi!
After the Barcamp yesterday today it’s time to get our hands on some code and designs. Hackathons are probably the best way to learn and experiment together.
9 teams of about 5 designers and deveoplers are working on a range of exciting projects:

  • PingApp: a binary, multichannel check-in tool for groups.It’s an easy way for small groups, families and companies to quickly check in with each other.
  • Vipy: a local social network for Kenya
  • Hardware Hacking – Arduino + Rasberry PI
  • Matatu: crowdsourcing service quality ratings of the Matatus – the local buses.
  • URL shortener: a URL shortener written in PHP with a JavaScript frontend
  • TweetMiner: Twitter scarping and data analyzing tool of user specifc tweets
  • Doze Poa: THE Kiswahili Slang phrasebook app
  • Nairobi.js: later there is the Nairobi JavaScript UserGroup meetup

You should follow #aht13 on twitter and our log for realtime updates. Later this evening we will have a presentation of the results.

And again many thanks and high-fives to GitHub for providing us all with delicous food and drinks… and of course for making collaboration on code so easy!