This 30-minutes documentary contains mostly material from the barcamps and hackathons and a lot of interviews with people we met.
You will experience the fun we had and learn about the development of the tech hubs in Africa, unique aspects of markets and products and amazing community initiatives.
"African WebMuses" features portraits of women working in the IT industry advancing technological development.
It was a great pleasure to meet and learn from all of you. Martha Chumo, Julliet Zoe Wanyiri, Jessica Colaco, Miriam Wambui, Jamie Mayombwe, Akaliza Keza Gara, Clarisse Iribagiza, Carolyne Ekyarisiima, Fatma Meawad – thank you for being an inspiration!
AfricaHackTrip - Interview with Erik Hersman from iHub Nairobi
Clips from the interview with Erik Hersman about technology, Africa and the future.
AfricaHackTrip - in Kigali
AfricaHackTrip moments in Kigali
A day in Kampala
Scenes from a day in Kampala during AfricaHackTrip
AfricaHackTrip - in Nairobi
AfricaHackTrip moments from the first meetup in Nairobi